As I grew into an adult the fascination for rainbows stayed with me. I remember once while living in Calgary (in my 20's) dashing outside my house and running as fast as I could to a nearby park in the rain, just so I could stand underneath one of the most beautiful and vivid array of colours I had ever seen. I had never been so close to the base of a rainbow before. If there had been a pot of gold I definitely would have found it!
This preoccupation with rainbows has become my chocolate of picture-taking. It is so sweet and delicious, I just can't resist! A couple of months ago I was minding my own business, playing around on my computer in my apartment while a torrential downpour raged outside, when suddenly something caught my eye: sunlight, glorious setting sun-light, the kind of sunlight that makes the whole earth glow with the brilliance of its dazzling presence. My eyes widened in horrible realization. The thought that went immediately through my head was "There is an incredible rainbow happening outside somewhere, and I'M MISSING IT!!!". I dashed throughout my house like a whirlwind, grabbing a jacket, shoes and my camera - quickly throwing on a pair of pants - and then vaulted out of my house in a full sprint. This is a curious re-enactment to my experience in Calgary years earlier, now that I think about it. I ran to the park nearby my apartment with the prayer on my breath that I was not too late. I had to see the rainbow!!!

I also enjoy a good rainbow :-)